William Gammon, who is Owner and Founder of Gammon Associates.

This is a podcast where I talk to my guests about their journey to success. We talk about their education, experience, current business, and future endeavours. 

A feature length episode with William Gammon, who is Owner and Founder of Gammon Associates. 

William has been fortunate enough to have had many types of coaches and mentors in his career and life. He talks about the importance of incremental improvements and how compounding helps you grow faster. 

We talk about his 30 years as a financial advisor and the changes of regulations that have affected business. 

We do a live demonstration of Gammon and Associates website simulator which gives amazing results, I would urge you to have a look. 

We then talk about the role of social media and marketing to be able to grow businesses. 

This is an interesting conversation with William. 

Enjoy the podcast!

 3.29 – What does a business mindset mean to you?

4.58 – Many types of coaches and mentors

8.01 – Incremental improvements and compounding

8.43 – Upbringing and education

11.30 – Polarity in society

12.53 – Financial advisor for 30 years

15.00 – Regulations in business

18.03 – Importance of relationships

21.05 – Value of cash in the business

25.19 – Diagnosis of the business in Gammon and Associates

27.30 – Gammon and Associates website simulator (live demonstration)

33.18 – Details of the simulator results

39.01 – How has social media affected business owners? 

41.10 – Importance of marketing

43.07 – Plan for the next 2-5 years

44.15 – Quick fire questions
How to Start a Podcast Guide: The Complete Guide (https://bit.ly/3HXEsA4)
Learn how to plan, record, and launch your podcast with this illustrated guide.
Podcasting For Brands // bring your guest we do the rest (https://aboundsocial.com)
Video episodes. Social clips. Live producer. Virtual studio. Coaching.
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Challenging marketers' delusions about the cultural impact of our work. A WEBBY winner!

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