William Bust - Strategic mentor, speaker, and author,

In this podcast interview with William Bust, a strategic mentor, speaker, and author, they discuss what a business mindset means to him. He believes it is about focusing your thoughts on how to best serve your customers and making those things habitual. It doesn't require a university degree or a postgraduate degree to acquire and it is about thinking about the people you serve and providing them with the best service that you can. They also discuss how important it is to serve customers, as they are the lifeblood of a business. 

The conversation between two people explores the idea of making customers habitual and ingrained in order to get referrals and renewed contracts. The speaker explains that this can be achieved through a chain of events which starts with consciously incompetent and ending with unconsciously competent. They also discuss the role of a mentor in comparison to a coach and describe a mentor as somebody with deep experience of running businesses. They further explain that a coach brings their questioning and skill at opening people's minds to the things they already know, whereas a mentor brings a deep experience of running businesses. 

The conversation between two people focuses on the role of a mentor. A mentor looks at a business situation and is able to bring relevant experience to the situation. It is the skill of a good mentor to know when outside consultancy is needed and when coaching can be used. The speaker then talks about their upbringing in Manchester, Cheshire and how their father worked in the chemical industry while their mother was a magistrate. They studied biochemistry in university but found they didn't enjoy it, so they joined the insurance industry. They mention they were an underwriter and then left in 2001 to start their own business. They finished by saying they were Chief Underwriter and Head of Business Risk Man
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Challenging marketers' delusions about the cultural impact of our work. A WEBBY winner!

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