Julieanna Hever, who is a plan-based dietician, author, and speaker.

This is a podcast where I talk to my guests about their journey to success. We talk about their education, experience, current business, and future endeavours. 

A feature length episode with Julieanna Hever, who is a plan-based dietician, author, and speaker. We discuss her arts and theatre education; she was born in LA, so she was obsessed by film. Early in the conversation Julieanna tells a story where her manager body shamed her, which was awful behaviour. This impacted her life with food and exercise.

We then talk about her role as a personal trainer and evolution into nutrition. Our conversation explores the best diet options for people, which is fascinating. We go deep into her books, TV show and speaking to audiences.  We talk about how entrepreneurism has impacted her life. 

Julieanna has lots of amazing stories about her experience and her client’s experiences with diet and exercise. 

Enjoy the podcast!

0.46 – Business mindset for Julieanna

1.27 – Degree in arts and theatre

2.28 – 11-year-old diving into diet 

5.14 – Switching her diet for plant based

7.04 – Body image for girls

8.34 – Personal trainer

11.29 – Obesity problem

13.55 – Food advertising

15.40 - Paleo diet

22.00 – Train your body diet

22.45 – Writing a book process

28.28 – Editorial phase of her books

32.53 – Ideal client 

37.11 – Who did Julieanna admire as a teenager

39.30 – How Julieanna is entrepreneurial

43.13 – Quick fire questions
How to Start a Podcast Guide: The Complete Guide (https://bit.ly/3HXEsA4)
Learn how to plan, record, and launch your podcast with this illustrated guide.
Podcasting For Brands // bring your guest we do the rest (https://aboundsocial.com)
Video episodes. Social clips. Live producer. Virtual studio. Coaching.
This Is Propaganda (https://www.thisispropaganda.show/)
Challenging marketers' delusions about the cultural impact of our work. A WEBBY winner!

Listen on: Apple Podcasts (https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1712565659)   Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/6M7m7ju93XKidy0khL9k7Q)

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