Jan Cavelle, who is an author, writer, and speaker about entrepreneurship.

This is a podcast where I talk to my guests about their journey to success. We talk about their education, experience, current business, and future endeavours. 

A feature length episode with Jan Cavelle, who is an author, writer, and speaker about entrepreneurship.

We talk to Jan about her early years as a child on a farm and the transition to entrepreneurship. 

We talk a lot about the struggles of starting and building a business, and the key points of resilience and persistence to grow the business. Jan talks about physical and mental health struggles. 

Jan talks passionately about her writing articles and two books which have been pivotal for her growth as a person. 

We then talk about how governments aren’t helping business owners and perhaps a few ways they can help. 

Enjoy the podcast!


3.18 – What does a business mindset mean to you?

4.43 – Started writing articles on entrepreneurship

7.08 – The flow state

7.43 – Jan’s upbringing on a farm and reading

11.53 – Teenage years from farming into entrepreneurship

12.31 – Moving to London 

14.57 – Started a furniture business as a single mother

17.11 – Resilience as an entrepreneur

18.21 – Acquired a furniture building business

19.00 – Early days to make the business work

21.53 – Burnt out with the business

22.28 – Selling the business

23.20 – Mental health conversation

27.27 – Writing for Real Business

29.01 – Social media and being open about struggles

32.25 – Challenges being the female boss

36.03 – Jan’s journey of writing a book

41.30 – Governments helping or not helping entrepreneurs

46.50 – Plan for the next 2-5 years

47.45 – Quick fire questions

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