Henry Lopez - Serial small business owner

Mark and Henry discuss the importance of having a business mindset. Henry explains that a business mindset is about putting together a venture or opportunity that makes a profit. Henry and Mark then talk about the Podcast Introduction Group, a business they set up to help people join podcast to help build their personal and professional brands. Finally, they discuss Mark's YouTube channel 'Absolute Business Mindset' and how it is a great platform for entrepreneurs to educate and inspire with stories of their journey and to explore their 'why'. They also discuss Henry's podcast which focuses on small businesses.

The speaker and the interviewer discussed the difference between being an entrepreneur and a business owner. The speaker defined an entrepreneur as someone who is not involved in the day-to-day operations of their business until after its launch, and who has a portfolio of businesses generating income. A business owner, on the other hand, is someone who is more involved in the day-to-day operations. The speaker then shared that they aspire to be an entrepreneur, but are likely a business owner. They also shared some books that have been impactful on their entrepreneurial journey, such as Rich Dad Poor Dad and The EMyth.

The speaker is discussing his upbringing and how it has influenced his business success. He is the son of Cuban immigrants and his family had to be resourceful and entrepreneurial to make it in the new world. He mentions three books that were influential to him: Rich Dad, Poor Dad, The EMyth, and Purple Cow. Additionally, he recommends Seth Godin’s book, Traction and Gino Wickman’s Entrepreneurial Leap. Lastly, he talks about his family and how his grandfather had to leave Cuba during the Batista government, and how his uncle was bought into the revolutionary movement and stayed in Cuba. His upbringing has instilled in him an entrepreneurial spirit which has been reflected in his business success. The conversation is between two people discussing the immigrant experience in America. The speaker shares a story about the experience of their Cuban grandparents, who were immigrants to the USA. They left behind a son, but still had a great deal of joy and pride in being able to provide for their family in America. The other person then compares the experiences of immigrants in America to those in the UK, noting that while Asian immigrants value education, others from Eastern Europe tend to be more entrepreneurial. Both speakers agree that immigrants come to America with the dream of a better life and are often able to achieve it, which is a fascinating story.

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