Hall Martin, who helps connecting start-ups and investors for funding

This is a podcast where I talk to my guests about their journey to success. We talk about their education, experience, current business, and future endeavours. 

A feature length episode with Hall Martin, who helps connecting start-ups and investors for funding. Hall chose a computer science degree in the 1980’s, which he thought was a major paradigm shift in the world. We talk about Hall being an innovator and after a long stint in corporate he has been fascinated by entrepreneurship.  

23 years in corporate and being employee number 90 in the company and he built the European business which was new for the software company. The business was driven by the development of the PC. 

He is now a profession at University of Texas, where he helps students to go through an incubator for the start-up business. He has also set up an angel network at Baylar.

Founder and CEO of TEN Capital Network which has started many businesses with huge impact on their industries. 

We go deep into the role of Blockchain is going to have on business and society. This is a fascinating conversation with security, owning Bitcoin and web 3.0.

Enjoy the podcast!

1.11 – Right mindset in business

1.19 – Degree in computer science in 1980s

1.36 – Future of personal computers in 1980s

3.51 – 23 years in corporate

4.04 – Employee 90 in company

6.29 – Accelerating software in company’s platforms

8.21 – Hall set up offices in European market

11.00 – Leaving corporate and setup own company

11.36 – Managing different company’s and project

12.03 – Importance of COO in business

15.42 – Growing angel investors network

17.47 – Baylar university role with angel network

19.48 – $900 million invested

20.07 – Where are investors?

22.21 – Ten Capital Network

23.09 – Blockchain vs AI 

How to Start a Podcast Guide: The Complete Guide (https://bit.ly/3HXEsA4)
Learn how to plan, record, and launch your podcast with this illustrated guide.
Podcasting For Brands // bring your guest we do the rest (https://aboundsocial.com)
Video episodes. Social clips. Live producer. Virtual studio. Coaching.
This Is Propaganda (https://www.thisispropaganda.show/)
Challenging marketers' delusions about the cultural impact of our work. A WEBBY winner!

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