Elizabeth Pampalone who is a marketing minimalist

This is a podcast where I talk to my guests about their journey to success. We talk about their education, experience, current business, and future endeavours. 

A feature length episode with Elizabeth Pampalone who is a marketing minimalist. Elizabeth was home schooled, and I found this fascinating to hear her experiences. 

Elizabeth started her first business in 2007 and built it until the sale in 2016, this was an interesting sale process. 

We talk about Elizabeth’s current business of marketing minimalism; we talk about how she structures her client engagement. She has a 5-day process to create a year’s worth of marketing for a business. 

We talk about her approach to networking and this is a subject that she is passionate about, you can learn some hints and tips to ensure your networking is meaningful.   

Enjoy the podcast! 

3.38 – What is a business mindset?

4.18 – Elizabeth’s home-schooling experience

7.47 – Relationships while home schooling

11.17 – First business experience in 2007

13.20 – Selling the business in 2016

15.10 – What is marketing minimalism

20.58 – Ideal client

26.10 – Automation in marketing

29.00 – Approach to networking

37.05 – Who is in Elizabeth’s team?

39.05 – Change the marketing industry

41.00 – Face to face meetings rather than virtual

42.42 – Quick fire questions


How to Start a Podcast Guide: The Complete Guide (https://bit.ly/3HXEsA4)
Learn how to plan, record, and launch your podcast with this illustrated guide.
Podcasting For Brands // bring your guest we do the rest (https://aboundsocial.com)
Video episodes. Social clips. Live producer. Virtual studio. Coaching.
This Is Propaganda (https://www.thisispropaganda.show/)
Challenging marketers' delusions about the cultural impact of our work. A WEBBY winner!

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