Dana Silvestri who is a consultant, mindset coach, speaker, and social media specialist.

This is a podcast where I talk to my guests about their journey to success. We talk about their education, experience, current business, and future endeavours. 

A feature length episode with Dana Silvestri who is a consultant, mindset coach, speaker, and social media specialist.

We talk a lot with Dana about his up bringing and early experience in his family. We talk about losing important people in his life and having limiting self-beliefs. 

Dana was able to turn this around with working with Bob Proctor. The work that Dana does as a consultant and mindset coach is using Proctor Gallagher Institutes information.  

This is a deep and interesting conversation about how to make change in your life. 

Enjoy the podcast!

2.36 – What does a business mindset mean to Dana?

3.33 – Dana’s upbringing

5.23 – At 16 years old Dana lost two family members 

5.58 – At 21 years old Dana’s ex-girlfriend past away

8.05 – Journaling experience at top of a hill

10.22 – Finding entrepreneurs online and joined self development program

12.44 – Working with Bob Proctor

17.11 – Dana wasn’t born with mindset limitations

19.30 – Dana’s first online mentor

21.30 – Important Road trip

24.05 – Working with Proctor Gallagher Institute

28.45 – Story telling in social media posts

33.11 – Re-evaluate your beliefs

37.51 – Goals for 2022

41.28 – Quick fire questions
How to Start a Podcast Guide: The Complete Guide (https://bit.ly/3HXEsA4)
Learn how to plan, record, and launch your podcast with this illustrated guide.
Podcasting For Brands // bring your guest we do the rest (https://aboundsocial.com)
Video episodes. Social clips. Live producer. Virtual studio. Coaching.

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