100th Episode

I am a corporate employee with an entrepreneurial mindset.

This is my 100th episode and I thought about how to celebrate this occasion. I thought it would be interesting to review my last 100 podcast episode. It is like an award ceremony so enjoy it. The list is below:

• Favourite episode - #1 Admin to consultant
• Most popular episode - #9 SWOT analysis
• Most powerful - #99 10 ways to hot wire to success
• Favourite guest - #75 Interview with Richard Abbott
• Best suggestion from a guest - #90 The Alchemist book from Mark Wright
• Most important - #60 Dealing with death an business
• Most practical - #48 Managing projects, clients and people
• The one I wish I could do again - #93 Interview with Mark Crowley - bad recording
• Best mindset - #2 Always learning
• Best technique - #38 70-20-10 principle in life
• Best health - #79 Mental Health week
• Most fun - #84 Interview with Wilson Del Socorro
• Special episode - #70 Interview with Andy After - first interview

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How to Start a Podcast Guide: The Complete Guide (https://bit.ly/3HXEsA4)
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